Who we are

In the quiet and fascinating Lugano Lake  in one of the 20 most beautiful countries of Italy (skyscanner.it), the idea of Botel (e.g. boat hotel) of the Lakes – Innovative Startups is born.

Our team has been working in the construction industry for over twenty years and sustainability is the element that we are looking for in every project: the characters that contribute to the entire building production process are assessed in terms of planning, social sustainability and realization, inspiring us , always, to the “European Charter for Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning”.

The aim of our work in the future is to design buildings and urban spaces in such a way as to safeguard natural reserves and use renewable energy as much as possible to avoid many possible undesirable developments.

New design philosophies must be developed in such a way as to increase the awareness that the sun is a source of heat and light; because the consensus for the applicability of solar energy in buildings by the general public can only be obtained through convincing ideas and examples which are first of all visible to everybody.